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Monday, April 25, 2011


The Playstation Network has been down for 4 days and counting. This has been the single most disappointed I have been with Sony in the history of owning a Sony system. The thing that irritates me most is there has been no answers about what's going on. There has been a lot of speculation on the internet about what's going on, and here's what I can gather on the subject.. A clown hacker is trying to get into PSN because Sony continually drops firmwares when a hacker jailbreaks the system. By jailbreaking the system you can play burned games and you have a lot more freedom with the operating system and the capabilities of the system. I don't feel the need to jailbreak my system because I am not a hardcore gamer, but I can see why someone gamer nerd would want to. But in anger, the hacker, after getting repeatedly getting blocked from being able to find a long-term jailbreak for the system has stolen some personal information. Nobody knows how much personal information or who's information, but its someone that has PSN username. That's the story and I hope all I gave you some good tidbits here.. I'm hoping things will be back to normal real soon.. but as they say hope for the best prepare for the worst

Here's Sony's response to how long the outage will last:

SCEA: We will announce through our websites as soon as there are any updates. We are currently investigating to determine the cause of this outage and are working to restore and maintain the services. Since this is an overall security related issue, we will not be providing further commentary for this case.

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