I literally JUST got back home from seeing Super 8 and it was a great movie. I would definitely give it an 8/10. There were no
major flaws in this movie, but it was lacking something. If I had to compare this to any other movie it would be a mash up of District 9 and ET. I really love that the kids were the heroes and despite the fact that the movie followed them the whole time— I believe it transcends all ages. It was VERY suspenseful— much like the previews, you don't know what the "something" upsetting the flow of the whole town is until 3/4 of the way through the movie. It had action (lots of explosions and gunfire, boys) and just about everything a good movie needs: humor, love, etc. I was just expecting it to be a bit bigger, it was a little flat at the ending for me.
All in all, I say definitely go see it, it was a cute movie.
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